Introduction to the certified service facility scheme
The safety of commercial facilities with hazardous locations strongly depends on the correct execution of all safety-relevant activities during the whole life cycle of the facility. The IECEx certified service facilities scheme provides Ex equipment users, regulators and the community with the confidence that Ex safety is maintained when Ex equipment is installed, inspected, repaired, overhauled, modified or reclaimed, over and after its working lifespan, by an IECEx certified service facility in accordance with this scheme.
It helps the industry select the right partners and is an excellent tool for Service Providers to present their quality management system and competence.
The IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme evaluates and certifies service providers for equipment repair, inspection and maintenance, and other safety-related activities.
Service facilities undergo assessment to ensure compliance with IECEx standards, providing users with confidence in the competence and reliability of the certified facilities.

How is this done?
The certified service facilities scheme assesses and certifies that organizations and workshops that provide Ex equipment selection, design, installation, inspection, maintenance, repair, overhaul and reclamation services to the Ex industry, do so in accordance with the requirements of the following IEC International Standards:
These standards deal with specific aspects:
- IEC 60079-10-1 and IEC 60079-10-2: area classification
- IEC 60079-14: installation design and selection of equipment
- IEC 60079-14: installation and erection (on site)
- IEC 60079-14: initial inspection
- IEC 60079-17: visual, close, detailed inspection and maintenance
- IEC 60079-19: repair, overhaul and reclamation
(IEC Webstore to purchase Standards)
The requirements of these standards are intended to ensure that explosion protection features designed and built into the Ex equipment are not compromised during any selection, design, installation, inspection, maintenance, repair, overhaul or reclamation processes.
Before going any further:
The certified equipment scheme is a product certification scheme based on type examination and quality assurance management.
The certified service facilities scheme is based on quality assurance management and attests that the certified facility or organization has an independently confirmed ability to provide an expected level of service with an appropriate level of competence.
An IECEx certificate for a service facility is NOT any of the following:
- Certification by IECEx of a particular installation
- Certification by IECEx of an area classification
- Certification by IECEx of repaired equipment
Please review this animation video for an introduction to the IECEx 03 certified service facility scheme
Where can industry find IECEx certified service facilites to undertake a work program?
All organisations certified by an approved IECEx certification body (ExCB) to provide Ex services approved within their scope are listed on the IECEx On-Line Certification System and searchable via a range or combination fo search criteria.
The key element of the IECEx certified service facilities scheme is initial and periodic audits by an IECEx certification
body (ExCB) that has been accepted and authorized to issue IECEx certificates to service facilities. The purpose of these management system audits is to ensure that services offered and delivered under the banner of IECEx certification always continue to comply with IECEx requirements and those of the relevant IEC International Standards. The outcomes of these audits are published as an IECEx facility assessment report (FAR) along with the IECEx certified service facility certificate that the IECEx FAR supports. These are freely and permanently available for searching and viewing on the IECEx On-Line Certification System and are searchable via a range or combination of search criteria.

How can a Service Facility be certified to meet the requirements of the IECEx?
The Service Facility must be able to satisfy the following general requirements. When the organisation is confident that the requirements have been met, then the application can be made for certification. In readiness for the application, a Service Facility may decide to apply for a “pre-assessment” review with an IECEx Certification Body, prior to the formal application
being lodged.
In preparing an application to be submitted to an ExCB, the Service Facility needs to be confident that the following is in place:
a) Confidence that work practices meet the requirements of IEC 60079-10-1, IEC 60079-10-
2, IEC 60079-14, IEC 60079-17 and IEC 60079-19 as relevant and also those
requirements specified in the relevant IECEx Operational Document OD 315-P
b) Development of QA system covering service facilities of the product (ISO 9001 and IECEx
Operational Document OD 315-P
c) Confidence that staff involved in providing the services within the scope of certification
have the qualifications and experience necessary to perform work using specified
explosion protection techniques
d) The relevant application documents from the ExCB duly completed
Refer to the IECEx 03A guide and OD 315-5 additional requirements for IECEx service facilities involved in the repair, overhaul and reclamation of Ex equipment, for further information and detail.
How to get certification - Service Facility Scheme
Contact an approved certification body (ExCB) to obtain your IECEx certification.
Organisations/Service Facilities who are interested in obtaining IECEx certification for the Certified Service Facility Scheme should contact the IECEx certification body of their choice.
Applications for IECEx Certificates of Conformity are made directly to the IECEx Certification Bodies.
Refer to the following documents and short animation on the process to obtain IECEx certification.

How to get involved
Certification Bodies seeking to provide IECEx certified service facility scheme should submit an application to the IECEx Secretariat using the forms provided.

OD 316-5 Part 5:
Part 5: Repair, overhaul and reclamation of Ex Equipment. ExCB procedures.

OD 316-4 Part 4
Ex inspection and maintenance Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance
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