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IECEx Assessors' Package

The following package of IECEx Documents contains the current documents necessary for IECEx Assessors and Assessing Teams to conduct the assessment of:

  • Candidate ExCBs,
  • Candidate ExTLs,
  • Surveillance and reassessment of Accepted ExBs and ExTLs.



Document Number Title

IECEx Assessment Report Form for use by IECEx Assessment Teams to report Assessments conducted according to the IECEx Assessment Procedures of the relevant IECEx Operational Document Schemes - Ed. 4.0

IECEx Assessment Report Form for use by IECEx Assessment Teams to report Assessments conducted according to the IECEx Assessment Procedures of the relevant IECEx Operational Document Schemes - Ed. 4.0


IECEx Site Assessment Report for Assessment of IECEx Candidate and Accepted Ex Certification Bodies (ExCBs) and Candidate and Accepted Ex Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) - Ed. 3.0

IECEx Site Assessment Report for Assessment of IECEx Candidate and Accepted Ex Certification Bodies (ExCBs) and Candidate and Accepted Ex Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) - Ed. 3.0


IECEx Quality Assessment Attendance List - Ed. 1.0

IECEx Quality Assessment Attendance List - Ed. 1.0

F 005 QualityAssessmentAttendanceList IECEx

IECEx Quality Assessment Note - Ed. 1.0

IECEx Quality Assessment Note - Ed. 1.0


Mid-Term Assessment Report Form Ed1.0

Mid-Term Assessment Report Form Ed1.0


IECEx Checklist for the Review of IECEx CoCs, ExTRs, QARs Ed. 1.0

IECEx Checklist for the Review of IECEx CoCs, ExTRs, QARs Ed. 1.0

IECEx 02

IECEx 02

IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System)IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme covering equipment for use in explosive atmospheres – Rules of Procedure (Ed 8.1 Posted 2022-12-19)

IECEx 02Ed8.1 RLV
IECEx 03-5

IECEx 03-5

IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme – Part 5: Repair, overhaul and reclamation of Ex equipment – Rules of Procedure (Ed. 2.0)

IECEx 03 5Ed2.0 Text RLV
IECEx 03-5 Service Facility Assessment Training Guidance

IECEx 03-5 Service Facility Assessment Training Guidance

IECEx TCD 60079-19 Ed. 4.0

IECEx TCD 60079-19 Ed. 4.0

TECHNICAL CAPABILITY DOCUMENT - TCD IEC 60079 -19: 2019, Explosive atmospheres - Parts 19: Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation Edition 4

The purpose of this Technical Capability Document (TCD) is to provide documented evidence that applicant ExCB has the capability to assess service facilities according to the service facility’s proposed or accepted scope of capability.
(Posted to Web 2022 01 25)

IECEx TCD IEC60079 19Ed4.0 RLV
IECEx TCD Edition 9.0

IECEx TCD Edition 9.0 (Replaces Edition 8.1)

TECHNICAL CAPABILITY DOCUMENT - TCD IEC 60079- 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 26, 28, 29-1, 29-4, 30-1, 31, 32-2, 33, 35-1, 35-2, 40, 42, 46, 47, 62784 and ISO 80079-36, 37 and ISO 16852, 17268, 19880-3, -5

This document is a revised version of TCD 8.1 with an Expansion of IEC TS 60079-46 to include the minimum testing capability for scopes including ‘Gaseous Hydrogen Fueling Stations’. Addition of ISO 17268, 19880-3, -5.

(Posted to Web 20230904)

IECEx TCD 02 Scheme Ed 9.0 RLV Sept 2023
OD 003-1

OD 003-1

Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of applicant Ex Certification Bodies (ExCBs), Ex Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) and Additional Testing Facilities (ATFs) –
Part 1: Appointment and surveillance of assessors for IECEx certification schemes (Ed.4.0)

IECEx OD 003 1Ed4.0 RLV Text
OD 003-2

OD 003-2

Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of applicant Ex Certification Bodies (ExCBs), Ex Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) and Additional Testing Facilities (ATFs)–
Part 2: Assessment, surveillance assessment and re-assessment of ExCBs and ExTLs operating in the IECEx 02, IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme. (Ed.5.0)

IECEx OD 003 2Ed5.0 RLV
OD 009

OD 009

Operational Document - Procedures for the Issuing of IECEx Certificates of Conformity, IECEx Test Reports and IECEx Quality Assessment Reports. Ed. 4.5

IECEx OD 009Ed4.5 RLV
OD 018

OD 018


OD 024

OD 024

IECEx Rules of Procedure covering testing, or witnessing testing at a manufacturer’s or user’s facility (Ed 4.0)

IECEx OD024Ed4.0 RLV
OD 025

OD 025

Guidelines on the Management of Assessment and Surveillance programs for the assessment of Manufacturer’s Quality System, in accordance with the IECEx Scheme. Ed. 4.0

IECEx OD 025 Ed4.0 RLV
OD 026

OD 026

Guidelines for the qualification of Lead Auditor and Auditors, in accordance with the IECEx System. Ed. 3.0

OD 032

OD 032

Guidelines and information for IECEx assessments (Ed. 5.0)

IECEx OD 032Ed5.0 RLV
OD 033

OD 033

IECEx Operations Manual – IECEx Unit Verification Certificates Ed. 1.1

IECEx OD 033 Ed1.1 RLV
OD 060

OD 060

IECEx Guide for Business Continuity - Management of Extraordinary Circumstances or Events Affecting IECEx Certification Schemes and Activities Ed. 2.2

IECEx OD 060 Ed2.2 RLV
OD 107

OD 107


(Note: This document has been issued using the new agreed numbering system and will replace OD 007, the ISO/IEC Guide 65 Checklist, on 15th September 2015. From that date all existing, and applicant, ExCBs will be required to comply with the new ISO/IEC 17065 Standard, using this checklist.)

OD 202

OD 202

IECEx Proficiency Testing Scheme Ed 5.0

IECEx OD 202Ed5.0 RLV
OD 206

OD 206

IECEx Assessment Feedback Form Ed. 1.0

OD 233

OD 233

IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme - Assessment of Ex “s" Equipment Ed. 3.0

IECEx OD 233 Ed3.0 RLV
OD 280

OD 280

IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme –
Guide to Certification of Non-electrical Equipment and Protective Systems Ed. 1.0

OD 315-5

OD 315-5

IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme –
Part 5: Repair, overhaul and reclamation of Ex equipment
Additional requirements for IECEx Service Facilities involved in the repair, overhaul and reclamation of Ex equipment Ed. 2.1

IECEx OD315 5Ed2.1 RLV
Translated Version:PT[Portugese Version]
OD 316-2

OD 316.2 Ed. 2.0

IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme –Part 2: Selection of Ex equipment and design of Ex installations Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of Candidate Certification Bodies (ExCBs) for the purpose of issuing IECEx Certificates to Ex Service Facilities providing selection of Ex equipment and design of Ex installations related services (Ed. 2.0)


IECEx OD 316 2Ed2.0 RLV
OD 316-3

OD 316-3 Ed.2.0

IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme –
Part 3: Ex installation and initial inspection
Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of Candidate Certification Bodies (ExCBs) for the purpose of issuing IECEx Certificates to Ex Service Facilities providing Ex installation and initial inspection service IECEx (Ed. 2.0)


IECEx OD 316 3Ed2.0 RLV
OD 316-4

OD 316-4 Ed. 3.0

IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme –Part 4: Ex inspection and maintenance Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of Candidate Certification Bodies(ExCBs) for the purpose of issuing IECEx Certificates to Ex Service Facilities providing Ex installations related services. Ed. 3.0

IECEx OD 316 4 Ed3.0 RLV
OD 316-5

OD 316-5 Ed. 1.2

IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme – Part 5: Repair, overhaul and reclamation of Ex equipment. Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of Candidate Certification Bodies (ExCBs) for the purpose of issuing IECEx Certificates to Ex Service Facilities involved in the repair, overhaul and reclamation of Ex equipment. Ed. 1.2

IECEx OD 316 5Ed1.2 RLV
OD 422

OD 422 Ed. 2.0

Rules and Procedures for the granting of Licenses to issue and use the IECEx Conformity Mark Ed. 2.0

IECEx OD422 Ed2.0.RLVen
OD 501

OD 501 Ed. 4.0

IECEx Scheme for Certification of Personnel Competence for Explosive Atmospheres – Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of Certification Bodies (ExCBs) for the purpose of issuing and maintaining IECEx Certificates of Personnel Competence (CoPCs) (Ed 4.0)

IECEx OD501Ed4.0 RLV Text
OD 507

OD 507 Checkist-to-IEC-17024-Ed1.0

Check list for assessment to ISO/IEC 17024: 2012 Ed. 1.0