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ExAG Committee Documents


The committee documents are password-protected.  To obtain a password contact the IECEx Secretariat. Documents are in either MS Word or PDF format. A free MS Word viewer for MS Windows is available from Microsoft. PDF documents require the Adobe Acrobat Reader browser plug-in, available from the Adobe website

IECEx Ex Assessment Group

Terms of Reference:

To act as the dedicated IECEx Maintenance and Consultative Group for matters relating to the IECEx Assessment of ExCBs and ExTLs across all IECEx Schemes.

The publication of IECEx 06  (comprising IEC CA 01 and the IECEx Supplement IECEx 01-S)  provides details concerning the structure, membership and terms of reference of the IECEx Assessment Group, (ExAG). (Ed. 1.0)

Note: The first meeting of ExAG was held in Singapore at the 2019 IECEx Executive and Operational Meetings 

Past ExAG Convenor - Dr Jim Munro

 ExAG Working Group members

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