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The committee documents are password-protected.  To obtain a password contact the IECEx Secretariat. Historical committee documents issued previous 2013 are available from the Legacy Document Archive page, if not found in ExMC Committee Documents.

Active Documents Requiring Comment and/or Voting

List of Active Documents
Document Number Title Due Date
ExMC/2127/Inf ExMC/2127/Inf
Term of Office - IECEx Chair - Call for nominations
ExMC/2139/DV ExMC/2139/DV
IECEx Assessment Report for the acceptance of Exert Certification AS, to become an Accepted Certification Body, ExCB, within the IECEx Certified Service Facility Scheme, IECEx 03-5 (Program Repair Overhaul and reclamation (IEC60079-19))
ExMC/2142/DV ExMC/2142/DV
Special Assessment for DEKRA Korea Co., Ltd as an Additional Testing Facility (ATF) operating under DEKRA Certification B.V. (Netherlands).
ExMC/2143/DV ExMC/2143/DV
Surveillance and Scope Extension Report for ExVA Testing and Certification Ltd. HU, an Accepted Certification Body, ExCB, and an Accepted Ex Testing Laboratory, (ExTL), within the IECEx Scheme 02, to include ISO 80079-36 and ISO 80079-37 in their scope.
ExMC/2144/DV ExMC/2144/DV
Reassessment and scope extension report for Mining and Surface Certification (Pty) Ltd (MASC) an Accepted Certification Body (ExCB) and Accepted Ex Testing Laboratory (ExTL) in the Equipment Scheme 02, to include IEC 60079-2, within their scope.
ExMC/2146/DV ExMC/2146/DV

Management Committee (ExMC) Documents Documents - Library

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