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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about IECEx - all schemes The IECEx Secretariat have pulled together the following FAQs on the IECEx Schemes, which are based on questions from Ex Equipment Manufacturers, Purchasers and Users. The information provided in the FAQs will be helpful for those new to IECEx. If your question has not been addressed in this FAQs, please do not hesitate to contact the IECEx Secretariat.
Certification of personnel competencies scheme Overview Contact a certification body Recognised Training Providers (RTPs) Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certification of personnel competencies scheme Introduction to the IECEx Personnel Competency Scheme The IECEx certification of personnel competency scheme is commonly known as the IECEx Certified Persons Scheme. The scheme provides the means for an individual working in, or associat…
Who we are About us Vision and mission How IECEx operates Management structure Executive Countries - Member Body Certification Bodies (ExCBs) The IECEx system aims to facilitate international trade in equipment and services for use in explosive atmospheres while maintaining the required level of safety. What is an Ex area? Ex areas can be known by different names such as “Hazardous Locations”, “Hazardous Areas” “Explosive Atmospheres”, and the like and relate to areas where flamm…
IECEx Test Reports (ExTRs) The following are the official and current versions of IECEx Test Reports blank forms for use by IECEx Accepted Certification Bodies and Ex Test Laboratories. They are available for download in MS Word format. Minor variations in pagination may occur due to MS Word reformatting for your local printer. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the Ex Test Laboratories (ExTL) to ensure they are using the latest published versions of the ExTR Blank forms. **Thi…
2017 IECEx International Conference - Shanghai Conference Registration Accomodation Conference Program Transport Speakers CONFERENCE SCHEDULEDate Meeting Location Tuesday, 11th April 2017 Day 1 The Grand Ballroom Wednesday, 12th April 2017 Day 2 The Grand Ballroom Day 1 Programme / 11 April 201707:45 – 08:30 Registration 08:30 – 08:40 Welcoming remarks Presentation 08:40 – 08:50 Opening Address / Key Note Speech Presentation 08:50 – 09:55 Ex Infrastructure in the Region Presenta…