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484 results
Certified service facility scheme Overview Contact a certification body Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certified service facility scheme Standards Introduction to the certified service facility scheme The safety of commercial facilities with hazardous locations strongly depends on the correct execution of all safety-relevant activities during the whole life cycle of the facility. The IECEx certified service facilities scheme provides Ex equi…
Certified equipment scheme Overview Contact a certification body (ExCB) Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certified equipment scheme Standards Proficiency testing scheme Introduction to the Certified Equipment Scheme The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme is an international certification initiative that ensures the safety and compliance of electrical and mechanical equipment designed for use in explosive atmospheres (hazardous areas). Governed by the IE…
How Does it Work? Conformity assessment certification is the process of evaluating and verifying whether a product, service, or system meets specific requirements or standards. The process typically involves a series of tests, inspections, and audits conducted by an independent third-party organization. The IECEx system provides global consistency in certification through a unified set of standardised rules, procedures and Certificate formats adhered to by all IECEx appointed Certification Bodi…
F.A.Qs - Certified equipment scheme
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Certified Equipment Scheme The IECEx Secretariat have compiled the following FAQs for the certified equipment scheme, which are based on questions from Ex Equipment Manufacturers, Purchasers and Users. The information provided in the FAQs will be helpful for those new to IECEx. If your question has not been addressed in this FAQs, please do not hesitate to contact the IECEx Secretariat at Contact us. What does the IECEx do? IECEx provid…
ExAG Committee Documents Introduction The committee documents are password-protected. To obtain a password contact the IECEx Secretariat. Documents are in either MS Word or PDF format. A free MS Word viewer for MS Windows is available from Microsoft. PDF documents require the Adobe Acrobat Reader browser plug-in, available from the Adobe website. IECEx Ex Assessment Group Terms of Reference: To act as the dedicated IECEx Maintenance and Co…
#hero-item-125-3 { background-image: url('/assets/2024-images/standard-quality-control__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsNTAwLDI3Ml0.jpg'); background-position: 50% 50%; } @media (min-width: 500px) { #hero-item-125-3 { background-image: url(/assets/2024-images/standard-quality-control__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsNzY4LDI3Ml0.jpg); } @media (min-width: 768px) { #hero-item-125-3 { background-image: url(/assets/2024-images/…
2018 IECEx International Conference - Jakarta, Indonesia
2018 IECEx International Conference Equipment and Services in Explosive Atmospheres Jakarta, Indonesia: 8 - 9 August 2018 The IEC and IECEx, together with Badan Standardisasi Nasional, in conjunction with UNECE, are organizing the 2018 IECEx International Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia on 8th and 9th August 2018. The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), of which Indonesia is a member country actively represented by Badan Standardisasi Nasional, has long been involved in d…
2017 IECEx International Conference - Shanghai Conference Registration Accomodation Conference Program Transport Speakers SpeakersDr Ulrich Spindler – IEC Vice-PresidentDr Spindler began his three-year term as Chairman of the Conformity Assessment Board and IEC Vice-President on 1 January 2015.Prior to joining IEC, Dr Spindler was Chairman of the German Standardization Committee “Electrical Installations of Buildings” the German Mirror Committee of IEC TC 64 from 1987 to 2012. He was…
IECEx Management Committee (ExMC) The IECEx membership is made up of countries who are represented by the National Member Bodies and officers who make up the Ex Management Committee (ExMC). For a country to be eligible to join the IECEx, it must already be an IEC Full Member or an IEC Associate Member. A list of the IECEx membership countries can be found on this website. Executive Group The Executive Group of the IECEx System provides an advisory function and is empowered to make ope…