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14 results
IECEx Test Reports (ExTRs) The following are superseded versions of IECEx Test Reports blank forms for use by IECEx Accepted Certification Bodies and Ex Test Laboratories. They are available for download in MS Word format. Minor variations in pagination may occur due to MS Word reformatting for your local printer. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the Ex Test Laboratories (ExTL) to ensure they are using the latest published versions of the ExTR Blank forms. &nbs…
Meeting Documents ExMC ExTAG Presentations Green Papers Final Linked Agenda loaded 20190921* Issued after Linked AgendaProcedure for downloading and accessing Zip folder to enable links to agenda ExTAG/572C/DA to work:1. Create and name a folder to load contents of Zip, ideally on your C: drive2. Click Zip file link to open link, zip file will download.3. Copy Zip file to folder, previously created, step 1.4. Extract contents of Zip. (extract button on top menu of Zip program, or right…
Meeting Documents ExMC ExTAG Presentations Green Papers Final Linked Agenda loaded 20190921* Issued after Linked AgendaProcedure for downloading and accessing Zip folder to enable links to agenda ExMC/1509A/DA to work:1. Create and name a folder to load contents of Zip, ideally on your C: drive2. Click Zip file link to open link, zip file will download.3. Copy Zip file to folder, previously created, step 1.4. Extract contents of Zip. (extract button on top menu of Zip program, or right…
2024 IECEx International Hydrogen Conference - Singapore
Accommodation Offer Presentations Clean pathway to a sustainable future The Conference will be held at: Concorde Hotel Singapore - details here Conference Programme here UPDATED 2024-05-16 Due to high demand, Registrations are now CLOSED. However please register here if you would like to be notified if a place opens due to a cancellation or to express interest in future upcoming planned events. Please direct enquiries to the IECEx Secretariat- Geoff Slater at info@ie…
2024 IECEx International Hydrogen Conference - Singapore Accommodation Offer Presentations Concorde Hotel SingaporeConcorde Shopping Mall100 Orchard RoadSingapore 238840T +65 6733 A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the rates below. For reservations contact and include 'IECEx Event in the email subject to access the special rates.Alternatively click on this Link to the booking page.Please note that due to the Rota…
IECEx Test Reports (ExTRs) The following are the official and current versions of IECEx Test Reports blank forms for use by IECEx Accepted Certification Bodies and Ex Test Laboratories. They are available for download in MS Word format. Minor variations in pagination may occur due to MS Word reformatting for your local printer. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the Ex Test Laboratories (ExTL) to ensure they are using the latest published versions of the ExTR Blank forms. **Thi…
Meeting Documents ExMC ExTAG Presentations Green Papers Final Linked Agenda loaded Sept 06/18*Zip file containing meeting documents and linked agenda ExTAG/517C/DA (10Mb)(note: late edition document ExTAG/535A/CDD is not included in Zip file)Procedure for downloading and accessing Zip folder to enable links to agenda ExTAG/517C/DA to work:1. Create and name a folder to load contents of Zip, ideally on your C: drive2. Click Zip file link to open link, zip file will download.3.…
Meeting Documents ExMC ExTAG Presentations Green Papers Final Linked Agenda loaded Sept 05/18 (updated further Sept 10/18)*Zip file containing meeting documents and linked agenda ExMC/1377B/DA(note: late edition documents ExMC/1434/CD and ExMC/1435/CD are not included in Zip file)Procedure for downloading and accessing Zip folder to enable links to agenda ExMC/1377B/DA to work:1. Create and name a folder to load contents of Zip, ideally on your C: drive2. Click Zip file link to open li…
2017 IECEx International Conference - Shanghai
Meeting & events 2025 Annual Meetings of the IECEx System 2024 Annual Meetings of the IECEx System Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil 2024 IECEx International Hydrogen Conference - Singapore 2024 IECEx International Conference - Split Croatia. 2024 IECEx Operational Meetings - Singapore 2023 Annual Meeting of the IECEx System Edinburgh, United Kingdom 2022 Remote Annual Meeting of the IECEx System - Past Event 2022 IECEx Remote Operational Meetings - January to July Event Archive…
Members' Area Overview Management Committee (ExMC) Documents ExMC Meeting Decisions ExTAG Committee Documents ExTAG Meeting Decisions ExTAG Decision Sheets ExPCC ExMarkCo ExSFC ExSFC Decision Sheets ExAG Working Groups Assessors Archive Our Membership and Committees The IECEx Membership is two fold: Membership of the IECEx Management - The IECEx management is made up of countries that have a seat on the IECEx Management Committee (currently 36 Countries…