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Resources and news IEC blog and news IECEx News and Featured Meeting & events IECEx Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides F.A.Qs about IECEx OD001 OD 024 Testing Register IECEx Logo Guidance Directory IECEx On-line Bulletin IECEx Forms Standards TCDs ExTR Blanks

Conference Program

2017 IECEx International Conference - Shanghai Conference Registration Accomodation Conference Program Transport Speakers CONFERENCE SCHEDULEDate Meeting Location Tuesday, 11th April 2017 Day 1 The Grand Ballroom Wednesday, 12th April 2017 Day 2 The Grand Ballroom Day 1 Programme / 11 April 201707:45 – 08:30 Registration 08:30 – 08:40 Welcoming remarks Presentation 08:40 – 08:50 Opening Address / Key Note Speech Presentation 08:50 – 09:55 Ex Infrastructure in the Region Presenta…

IECEx Forms

Resources and news IEC blog and news IECEx News and Featured Meeting & events IECEx Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides F.A.Qs about IECEx OD001 OD 024 Testing Register IECEx Logo Guidance Directory IECEx On-line Bulletin IECEx Forms Standards TCDs ExTR Blanks

Operational Documents (ODs)

Operational Documents supplement the Rules of Procedure and are used within the certified service facility scheme. Operational Documents listed below have  been categorized as follows: General - Applicable to more than one Scheme throughout the IECEx System Certified Service Facilities Scheme - IECEx 03 - Rules of Procedure Note: For the full listing of ODs for all schemes, go to Resources/Operational Documents (ODs)

Operational Documents (ODs)

Operational Documents supplement the Rules of Procedure and are used within the certification of personnel competencies scheme. Operational Documents listed below have  been categorized as follows: General - Applicable to more than one Scheme throughout the IECEx System Personnel Competencies Scheme - IECEx 05 - Rules of Procedure Note: For the full listing of ODs for all schemes, go to Resources/Operational Documents (ODs)


Partner Organisations UNECE OIML Collaboration with Standards Committees IEC TC 31 Meeting Schedule Hydrogen Council UNECE The United Nations, through the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), provides a multilateral platform that facilitates greater economic integration and cooperation among United Nations Member States and promotes sustainable development and economic prosperity. The UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP. 6)…

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