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955 results
Partner Organisations UNECE OIML Collaboration with Standards Committees IEC TC 31 Meeting Schedule Hydrogen Council UNECE The United Nations, through the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), provides a multilateral platform that facilitates greater economic integration and cooperation among United Nations Member States and promotes sustainable development and economic prosperity. The UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP. 6)…
"IECEx" is a Registered Trade Mark of the International Electrotechnical Commission. Permission of use of the IECEx Logo:The IECEx Logo shall only be used in accordance with instructions provided as published in IECEx 01B. It shall not be used in such a manner that it compromises the integrity of the IEC, IECEx or its members.Who may use the IECEx LogoThe IECEx Logo may be used by the following:• IECEx Member Bodies• IECEx Certification Bodies (ExCBs) and Testing Labs (ExTLs)• IECEx Ce…
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about IECEx - all schemes The IECEx Secretariat have pulled together the following FAQs on the IECEx Schemes, which are based on questions from Ex Equipment Manufacturers, Purchasers and Users. The information provided in the FAQs will be helpful for those new to IECEx. If your question has not been addressed in this FAQs, please do not hesitate to contact the IECEx Secretariat.
Partner Organisations UNECE OIML Collaboration with Standards Committees IEC TC 31 Meeting Schedule Hydrogen Council IEC Meeting Schedule for work relating to IEC Technical Committee TC 31 and IEC Conformity Assessment System IECEx IEC TC 31 Equipment for explosive atmospheres Scope TC 31 - To prepare and maintain international standards relating to equipment for use where there is a hazard due to the possible presence of explosive atmospheres of gases, vapours, mists or combustible…