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955 results

Proficiency testing scheme

Certified equipment scheme Overview Contact a certification body (ExCB) Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certified equipment scheme Standards Proficiency testing scheme What is the IECEx proficiency testing scheme (PTS)? organization, performance and evaluation of measurements or tests on the same or similaritems by two or more laboratories in accordance with predetermined conditions (see alsoISO/IEC 17043)  Scope  The primary goal of…

Countries - Member Body

Membership The IECEx membership is made up of countries who are represented by the National Member Bodies and officers who make up the Ex Management Committee (ExMC). For a country to be eligible to join the IECEx, it must already be an IEC Full Member or an IEC Associate Member.The rules for membership, including conditions under which non-IEC members can participate, are given in the IEC Conformity Assessment Systems - Basic Rules and the IECEx Supplement to Harmonized Basic Rules. M…

Superseded ExTR Blanks

IECEx Test Reports (ExTRs) The following are superseded versions of IECEx Test Reports blank forms for use by IECEx Accepted Certification Bodies and Ex Test Laboratories. They are available for download in MS Word format. Minor variations in pagination may occur due to MS Word reformatting for your local printer. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the Ex Test Laboratories (ExTL) to ensure they are using the latest published versions of the ExTR Blank forms.    &nbs…


#hero-item-125-3 { background-image: url('/assets/2024-images/standard-quality-control__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsNTAwLDI3Ml0.jpg'); background-position: 50% 50%; } @media (min-width: 500px) { #hero-item-125-3 { background-image: url(/assets/2024-images/standard-quality-control__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsNzY4LDI3Ml0.jpg); } @media (min-width: 768px) { #hero-item-125-3 { background-image: url(/assets/2024-images/standard-quality-control__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsOTkyLDMwMF0.jp…

Vision and mission

"The IECEx Vision is to be recognized as the global centre of excellence in providing conformity assessment solutions to satisfy the needs of the explosive atmospheres industry" Mission The mission of the IECEx is to facilitate international trade in equipment and services designed for use in explosive atmospheres. IECEx focuses on certifying equipment, services and personnel involved in hazardous environments, providing a globally recognized framework for certification, ensuring saf…