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1759 results
These Working Groups comprise Industry Specialists and Experts nominated for their particular expertise in the Ex industry. Working Groups provide support for managing technical and specialized tasks, facilitating effective implementation of the IECEx Schemes. Search by working group or by the last name of a working group member.
2018 IECEx International Conference - Jakarta, Indonesia
2018 IECEx International Conference Equipment and Services in Explosive Atmospheres Jakarta, Indonesia: 8 - 9 August 2018 The IEC and IECEx, together with Badan Standardisasi Nasional, in conjunction with UNECE, are organizing the 2018 IECEx International Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia on 8th and 9th August 2018. The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), of which Indonesia is a member country actively represented by Badan Standardisasi Nasional, has long been involved in d…
IECEx Personnel Certification Committee (ExPCC) Introduction The committee documents are password-protected. To obtain a password contact the IECEx Secretariat. Documents are in either MS Word or PDF format. A free MS Word viewer for MS Windows is available from Microsoft. PDF documents require the Adobe Acrobat Reader browser plug-in, available from the Adobe website. When documents are no longer current they are moved to the Archive.