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IECEx Rules The administration of the IECEx System is governed by the IECEx Rules which are available for free:
"IECEx" is a Registered Trade Mark of the International Electrotechnical Commission. Permission of use of the IECEx Logo:The IECEx Logo shall only be used in accordance with instructions provided as published in IECEx 01B. It shall not be used in such a manner that it compromises the integrity of the IEC, IECEx or its members.Who may use the IECEx LogoThe IECEx Logo may be used by the following:• IECEx Member Bodies• IECEx Certification Bodies (ExCBs) and Testing Labs (ExTLs)• IECEx Ce…
Resources and news IEC blog and news IECEx News and Featured Meeting & events IECEx Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides F.A.Qs about IECEx OD001 OD 024 Testing Register IECEx Logo Guidance Directory IECEx On-line Bulletin IECEx Forms Standards TCDs ExTR Blanks
Resources and news IEC blog and news IECEx News and Featured Meeting & events IECEx Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides F.A.Qs about IECEx OD001 OD 024 Testing Register IECEx Logo Guidance Directory IECEx On-line Bulletin IECEx Forms Standards TCDs ExTR Blanks