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Contact us The IECEx website employs email obfuscation techniques, ensuring that email addresses are not exposed to automated bots or spam harvesters. For further information or assistance don't hesitate to get in touch with the IECEx Secretariat: IECEx SecretariatLevel 17 Angel Place123 Pitt StreetSydney, NSW 2000Australia Your name Your email Your message You must enable JavaScript to submit this form
Certified equipment scheme Overview Contact a certification body (ExCB) Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certified equipment scheme Standards Proficiency testing scheme Introduction to the Certified Equipment Scheme The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme is an international certification initiative that ensures the safety and compliance of electrical and mechanical equipment designed for use in explosive atmospheres (hazardous areas). Governed by the IE…
F.A.Qs - Certified service facility scheme
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Certified service facility scheme The IECEx Secretariat have compiled the following FAQs for the certified service facility scheme, which are based on questions from industry, and users. The information provided in the FAQs will be helpful for those new to IECEx. If your question has not been addressed in this FAQs, please do not hesitate to contact the IECEx Secretariat at Contact us. Are IECEx Certified Service Facilities that are certifie…
F.A.Qs - Certified equipment scheme
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Certified Equipment Scheme The IECEx Secretariat have compiled the following FAQs for the certified equipment scheme, which are based on questions from Ex Equipment Manufacturers, Purchasers and Users. The information provided in the FAQs will be helpful for those new to IECEx. If your question has not been addressed in this FAQs, please do not hesitate to contact the IECEx Secretariat at Contact us. What does the IECEx do? IECEx provid…
Partner Organisations UNECE OIML Collaboration with Standards Committees IEC TC 31 Meeting Schedule Hydrogen Council Hydrogen Council With the growing conversation around the scaling of the hydrogen economy within the energy infrastructure, IECEx and other global organizations will have an important role to play in carefully navigating the challenges of clean hydrogen production in the future. In the spirit of collaboration the IEC, IECEx and the Hydroge…
2024 IECEx International Conference - Split Croatia. Accommodation Offer Presentations Hotel Le Méridien LavGrljevacka, 2A, PodstranaSplit, 21312, Croatia Special hotel rates are available however delegates are advised that hotel accommodation can only be guaranteed for reservations made before 1st of March 2024. After this date reservations will be possible upon availability.Room (single use): 130 € per night including breakfast a…
Meeting Documents ExMC ExTAG Presentations Green Papers Final Linked Agenda loaded 20190921* Issued after Linked AgendaProcedure for downloading and accessing Zip folder to enable links to agenda ExTAG/572C/DA to work:1. Create and name a folder to load contents of Zip, ideally on your C: drive2. Click Zip file link to open link, zip file will download.3. Copy Zip file to folder, previously created, step 1.4. Extract contents of Zip. (extract button on top menu of Zip program, or right…
Certified service facility scheme Overview Contact a certification body Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certified service facility scheme Standards Introduction to the certified service facility scheme The safety of commercial facilities with hazardous locations strongly depends on the correct execution of all safety-relevant activities during the whole life cycle of the facility. The IECEx certified service facilities scheme provides Ex equi…
Certification of personnel competencies scheme Overview Contact a certification body Recognised Training Providers (RTPs) Rules Operational Documents (ODs) Guides Forms F.A.Qs - Certification of personnel competencies scheme Introduction to the IECEx Personnel Competency Scheme The IECEx certification of personnel competency scheme is commonly known as the IECEx Certified Persons Scheme. The scheme provides the means for an individual working in, or associat…