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IECEx Management Committee (ExMC)

The IECEx membership is made up of countries who are represented by the National Member Bodies and officers who make up the Ex Management Committee (ExMC). For a country to be eligible to join the IECEx, it must already be an IEC Full Member or an IEC Associate Member. A list of the IECEx membership countries can be found on this website.

Executive Group

The Executive Group of the IECEx System provides an advisory function and is empowered to make operational decisions between ExMC meetings. The tasks and responsibilities delegated to the IECEx Executive are available in Operation Document OD 002.

Working Groups

The management committee with support from the secretariat, oversee the IECEx system, while the dedicated Working Groups provide support for managing technical and specialized tasks, facilitating effective implementation of the IECEx Schemes. These Working Groups comprise Industry Specialists and Experts nominated for their particular expertise in the Ex industry. 

IECEx Secretariat

The Secretariat is responsible for the operations of the IECEx System and for providing the supporting functions required to fulfil the object of the IECEx System. 

The Secretariat is located in Sydney, Australia. The Secretariat is led by the IECEx Executive Secretary whose duties are defined in the IECEx Basic Rules, publications IEC CA 01 and IECEx 01S, as approved by the IEC Conformity Assessment Board.

Operating Principles

In the operation of its business IECEx shall remain guided by the following principles: 


All IECEx activities shall be carried out in an open and transparent manner.


IECEx shall seek solutions and make decisions based on consensus among its members.

IEC CAB Mandate

All IECEx System activities shall be carried out within the policy of, and in accordance with the direction given by IEC Conformity Assessment Board (IEC CAB).

Rules of Procedure

All IECEx activities and the various IECEx Schemes shall be conducted and operated in accordance with the applicable published IECEx Rules of Procedure and Operational Documents.

Technical Secretariat

In accordance with the rules of procedures of the IECEx System, IECEx shall operate with a centralised Technical Secretariat with sufficient resources to ensure a timely response to:

  • work assigned to it by the IECEx Management;
  • inquiries and assistance requested from ExCBs
  • inquiries and assistance requested from industry and stakeholders
  • maintenance and enhancement of IECEx on-line Certificate System
  • acting proactively in the promotion and representation of IECEx 

Reporting by Secretariat

The IECEx Secretariat shall provide IECEx Members with an “Annual Report Card” that provides, as a minimum, the following:

  • statistics, e.g. membership, certificates, reports, etc.
  • operational related activity
  • promotional/marketing activity
  • financial


Operate on a cost recovery, not-for-profit basis with budgets approved by the ExMC and IEC CAB.