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Operational Documents supplement the Rules of Procedure and are used within the certified equipment scheme and conformity mark licensing system. 

Operational Documents listed below have  been categorized as follows:

  • General - Applicable to more than one Scheme throughout the IECEx System
  • Equipment Certification Scheme - IECEx 02 –  Rules of Procedure
  • Conformity Mark Licensing System - IECEx 04 - Rules and Guide

Note: For the full listing of ODs for all schemes, go to Resources/Operational Documents (ODs)

Current IECEx Operational Documents

Download List

General Operational Documents (Applicable to more than one Scheme)

Document Number Title Publication date Owner Review date
OD 255 Guidance on Significant Changes to ExCB Business Continuity – IECEx Schemes Ed.1.0 2019-11-13 ExMC 2025-09-30
OD 099 Procedure for IECEx Document Management Ed. 2.0 IECEx OD 099 Ed2.0 RLV
2024-04-19 ExMC Delegated to Secretariat 2029-04-19
OD 060 IECEx Guide for Business Continuity - Management of Extraordinary Circumstances or Events Affecting IECEx Certification Schemes and Activities Ed. 2.2
IECEx OD 060 Ed2.2 RLV
2023-02-15 ExMC Delegated to IECEx Executive 2028-02-15
OD 050 IECEx On-Line Voting System Ed.2.0 2025-01-08 ExMC Delegated to Secretariat 2030-01-10
OD 032 Guidelines and information for IECEx assessments (Ed. 5.0)
IECEx OD 032Ed5.0 RLV
2024-10-18 ExAG 2029-10-18
OD 031 A Guide for Good Working Practices for the Management of the IECEx System’s Working Groups Ed. 3.0 2018-06-13 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG14 2025-09-30
OD 019 IECEx Participation and Scheme Fees Ed.8.0
IECEx OD 019Ed8.0 RLV
2024-12-05 ExMC 2029-12-05
OD 011-10 Guidance on Use of the IECEx Internet based "On-Line" Certificate of Conformity System, Part 10: IECEx On-Line Certificate System (OCS) - Second Generation - "Back Office" Operation (Ed.2.0) 2019-12-05 Secretariat 2026-08-28
OD 011-1 Guidance on Use of the IECEx Internet based “On-Line” Certificate of Conformity System
Part 1: General Information for IECEx On-line Certificate System (OCS) – Second Generation
Ed. 6.3
2022-02-16 Secretariat 2027-02-16
OD 008 Reciprocal arrangements covering exchange of information and meeting participation between ExNB and IECEx Ed. 2.0 IECEx OD 008Ed2.0 RLV
2024-10-18 ExMC 2029-10-18
OD 003-1 Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of applicant Ex Certification Bodies (ExCBs), Ex Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) and Additional Testing Facilities (ATFs) –
Part 1: Appointment and surveillance of assessors for IECEx certification schemes (Ed.4.0)
IECEx OD 003 1Ed4.0 RLV Text
2024-10-18 ExAG 2029-10-18
OD 002 Tasks and responsibilities delegated to the IECEx Executive Ed. 1.0 2019-08-07 ExMC 2025-09-30

Equipment Scheme

Document Number Title Publication date Owner Review date
OD 290 IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme - Harmonized procedures for IECEx certification of equipment, components and systems associated with the production, dispensing and use of gaseous hydrogen Ed. 2.0 2024-10-01 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG19 2029-10-01
OD 280 IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme –
Guide to Certification of Non-electrical Equipment and Protective Systems Ed. 1.0
2016-09-30 ExTAG Delegated to ExMC WG15 2025-09-30
OD 250 Guidance on the Management of IECEx Quality
Assessment Reports (QARs) (Ed. 2)
2019-09-19 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG5 2025-09-01
OD 233 IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme - Assessment of Ex “s" Equipment Ed. 3.0
IECEx OD 233 Ed3.0 RLV
2022-12-19 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG18 2027-12-19
OD 211 National Differences of Standards operated by the IECEx - Procedure for using the IECEx On-line Bulletin 2025-01-08 Secretariat 2030-02-01
OD 210 Guidance on the preparation of IECEx Equipment Certificates and Reports of a Modular Combination (Ed. 1.0) 2020-05-06 ExTAG 2025-09-30
OD 209 Requirements and Guidelines for the Suspension, Cancellation and Reinstatement of Certificates of Conformity Ed. 1.1 IECEx OD 209 Ed1.1 RLV
2022-12-19 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG1 2027-12-17
OD 208 (now F-001) IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme – IECEx Quality System Requirements for Manufacturers – Audit Checklist Ed 1.0

Withdrawn and Replaced by Form F-001 according to ExMC Decision 2020/023
2021-03-25 Discontinued
OD 207 Guidance on the Retention of Records. (Ed. 2.0) IECEx OD207 Ed2.0.RLV
2021-01-21 ExMC Delegated to ExTAG WG12 2026-01-21
OD 206 IECEx Assessment Feedback Form Ed. 1.0 2017-09-20 ExAG 2025-09-30
OD 203 Guidance on the definition of ‘manufacturer’ in relation to trade agents’ and ‘local assemblers’ Ed. 1.0 2014-05-01 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG11 2025-09-01
OD 202 IECEx Proficiency Testing Scheme Ed 5.0
IECEx OD 202Ed5.0 RLV
2024-10-18 ExTAG Delegated to ExTAG WG10 2029-10-18

(Note: This document has been issued using the new agreed numbering system and will replace OD 007, the ISO/IEC Guide 65 Checklist, on 15th September 2015. From that date all existing, and applicant, ExCBs will be required to comply with the new ISO/IEC 17065 Standard, using this checklist.)
2014-06-17 ExMC Delegated to ExAG 2025-09-30
OD 035 A procedure to generate, discuss, report and publish ExTAG Decision Sheets Ed. 3.2
IECEx OD 035Ed3.2 RLV
2024-12-17 ExMC Delegated to ExTAG Officers 2029-12-17
OD 034 Operational Document - Guidance on the preparation of IECEx Equipment Certificates and Reports covering more than one identifiable item of equipment Ed. 3.0
IECEx OD 034 Ed3.0 Redline
2020-11-26 ExMC Delegated to ExTAG 2025-11-26
OD 033 IECEx Operations Manual – IECEx Unit Verification Certificates Ed. 1.1
IECEx OD 033 Ed1.1 RLV
2020-04-16 ExMC 2025-09-30
OD 026 Guidelines for the qualification of Lead Auditor and Auditors, in accordance with the IECEx System. Ed. 3.0
2022-02-08 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG5 2027-02-08
OD 025 Guidelines on the Management of Assessment and Surveillance programs for the assessment of Manufacturer’s Quality System, in accordance with the IECEx Scheme. Ed. 4.0
IECEx OD 025 Ed4.0 RLV
2023-12-12 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG5 2028-12-12
OD 024 IECEx Rules of Procedure covering testing, or witnessing testing at a manufacturer’s or user’s facility (Ed 4.0) IECEx OD024Ed4.0 RLV
2021-04-21 ExMC Delegated to ExTAG WG6 2026-04-21
OD 021 Guidance document for the Assessment of IS equipment and Systems Ed.2.0 2008-07-29 ExTAG 2025-09-01
OD 020 Guidance for the Sampling of Group I Ex d Motors for Testing as Representative of a Range for Certification Purposes Ed. 1.0 2006-08-06 ExTAG 2025-09-30
OD 017 Operational Document - Drawing and documentation guidance for IECEx certification – for use by manufacturers and ExTLS Ed.7
Translated Version:PT[Portugese Version]
IECEx OD 017 Ed7.0 RLV
2024-07-18 ExTAG Delegated to ExTAG WG3 2029-07-18
OD 012 ExTAG Guide for Application of Uncertainty of Measurement to conformity for laboratory tests carried out under the IECEx System OD 012 Ed.3.0
2021-10-20 ExTAG Delegated to ExTAG WG4 2026-10-20
OD 011-2 Guidance on Use of the IECEx Internet based “On-Line” Certificate of Conformity System Part 2: Creating IECEx Equipment Certificates of Conformity CoCs. Ed. 6.0
IECEx OD 011 2Ed6.0 RLV
2024-06-05 ExMC WG1 Delegated to Secretariat 2029-06-05
OD 010-2 Operational Document - Guidance for the development, compilation, issuing and receipt of ExTRs Part 2: Procedures and guidance. (Ed 4.0)
IECEx OD 010 2Ed4.0 RLV
2022-07-29 ExMC Delegated to ExTAG WG1 2027-07-29
OD 010-1 Operational Document - Guidance for the development, compilation, issuing and receipt of ExTRs
Part 1: Development and posting of blank IECEx Test Report (ExTR) Documents IECEx OD 010 1Ed3.0 RLV
2020-07-29 ExMC Delegated to ExTAG WG1 2025-07-29
OD 009 Operational Document - Procedures for the Issuing of IECEx Certificates of Conformity, IECEx Test Reports and IECEx Quality Assessment Reports. Ed. 4.5
IECEx OD 009Ed4.5 RLV
2022-12-19 ExMC Delegated to ExMC WG1 2027-12-19
OD 005-3 IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme –
IECEx Quality System Requirements for Manufacturers –
Part 3: Supplementary requirements for non-electrical equipment to ISO/IEC 80079-34 Edition 1

2016-09-30 Discontinued
OD 003-2 Assessment procedures for IECEx acceptance of applicant Ex Certification Bodies (ExCBs), Ex Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) and Additional Testing Facilities (ATFs)–
Part 2: Assessment, surveillance assessment and re-assessment of ExCBs and ExTLs operating in the IECEx 02, IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme. (Ed.5.0)
IECEx OD 003 2Ed5.0 RLV
2024-10-18 ExAG 2029-10-18

Conformity Mark Licensing System

Document Number Title Publication date Owner Review date
OD 423 Terms and Conditions for use of the IECEx Conformity Mark Ed.2.0
IECEx OD 423Ed2.0 RLV
2021-05-20 ExMarkCo 2026-05-20
OD 422 Rules and Procedures for the granting of Licenses to issue and use the IECEx Conformity Mark Ed. 2.0
IECEx OD422 Ed2.0.RLVen
2021-03-29 ExMarkCo 2026-03-29
OD 011-4 Guidance on Use of the IECEx Internet based “On-Line” Certificate of Conformity System Part 4: Creating IECEx Conformity Mark Licenses 2015-01-19 ExMarkCo 2025-09-30