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484 results
2017 IECEx International Conference - Shanghai Conference Registration Accomodation Conference Program Transport Speakers CONFERENCE SCHEDULEDate Meeting Location Tuesday, 11th April 2017 Day 1 The Grand Ballroom Wednesday, 12th April 2017 Day 2 The Grand Ballroom Day 1 Programme / 11 April 201707:45 – 08:30 Registration 08:30 – 08:40 Welcoming remarks Presentation 08:40 – 08:50 Opening Address / Key Note Speech Presentation 08:50 – 09:55 Ex Infrastructure in the Region Presenta…
IECEx Split International Conference 2018 (Past Event) Split Conference Program Programme 07:45 – 08:30 Registration 08:30 – 08:40 Welcoming remarks Mr Chris Agius – IECEx Executive Secretary 08:40 – 09:00 Opening Address / Key Note Speech dr. sc. Martina Dalić Republic of Croatia - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts 09:00 – 9:30 Overview and Vision of the IECEx International Certification System and operatio…
Membership The IECEx membership is made up of countries who are represented by the National Member Bodies and officers who make up the Ex Management Committee (ExMC). For a country to be eligible to join the IECEx, it must already be an IEC Full Member or an IEC Associate Member.The rules for membership, including conditions under which non-IEC members can participate, are given in the IEC Conformity Assessment Systems - Basic Rules and the IECEx Supplement to Harmonized Basic Rules. M…
The IECEx System is based on the use of International Standards, such as IEC Standards and ISO Standards. These Standards are dedicated to the highly specialised fields associated with the use of equipment, termed Ex equipment, and installations in areas where a potential may exist of fire or explosion. The Standards listed below are examples of the Standards used by the IECEx System and are available for secure purchase online. Simply click on any of the Standards below (Links) and this will ta…
Standards Operated by the IECEx The IECEx System is based on the use of International Standards, such as IEC Standards and ISO Standards. These Standards are dedicated to the highly specialised fields associated with the use of equipment, termed Ex equipment, and installations in areas where a potential may exist of fire or explosion. The Standards listed below are examples of the Standards used by the IECEx System and are available for secure purchase online. Simply click on any of the Standard…
There are various situations that necessitate that testing of Ex equipment for the purposes of IECEx Certification be conducted at a facility other than an IECEx Testing Laboratory (ExTL). In recognition of these practical, technical and economic needs and to ensure that such testing is conducted under controlled conditions, all off-site testing and witness testing facilities currently being employed by ExTLs must be formally registered. The key information used for the registration is…
The IECEx System is based on the use of International Standards, such as IEC Standards and ISO Standards. These Standards are dedicated to the highly specialised fields associated with the use of equipment, termed Ex equipment, and installations in areas where a potential may exist of fire or explosion. The Standards listed below are examples of the Standards for the Certified Service Facility Scheme used by the IECEx System and are available for secure purchase online. Simply click on any of th…